Bookmate Streamlines Onboarding, Cutting Ramp-Up Time by 2x
Bookmate is a leading tax filing service provider, dedicated to simplifying the tax filing process for individuals and businesses. Bookmate’s innovative approach ensures accuracy and compliance while providing exceptional customer service.
Streamlined Sales Onboarding
"MeetRecord has revolutionized our onboarding process, drastically cutting down ramp-up time and enabling our team to share key insights effortlessly."
— Max Minsker, Founder, Bookmate
Bookmate needed to reduce the time it took to onboard new team members effectively. The existing onboarding process was time-consuming and lacked efficient knowledge-sharing mechanisms, which slowed down the team’s ability to operate at full capacity.
Bookmate integrated MeetRecord to leverage its snippet-sharing capabilities, enabling quick and easy sharing of key insights from client interactions. This significantly reduced the ramp-up time for new hires and improved overall team efficiency by facilitating faster knowledge transfer.

Austin, TX, 2019
Bookkeeping Services
Building with Meetrecord
Since March 2023