Customer Stories

Kisi Boosts Sales Efficiency with 3x Improvement in Objection Handling

Kisi is a leader in access management solutions, providing advanced security systems for businesses worldwide. Committed to innovation, Kisi focuses on optimizing sales strategies to ensure consistent growth and customer satisfaction.

Implementing Effective Sales Processes with AI Coaching

"MeetRecord has transformed how we coach our Account Executives, enabling us to address top objections and improve our sales process implementation."

— Engeline Gomez, Direct Sales Manager, Kisi


improvement in objection handling


faster implementation of sales processes


increase in deal closure rates


Kisi needed to enhance its sales process by improving how Account Executives (AEs) handled objections during various deal stages. The company also sought a method to implement and track sales processes more effectively.


Kisi adopted MeetRecord to leverage AI coaching that focused on deal stages, helping identify top objections and provide targeted coaching for AEs. This approach enabled better feedback sharing and more effective sales process implementation, resulting in improved overall sales performance.


Brooklyn, New York, 2012


Security and Investigations

Building with Meetrecord

Since March 2023

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