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What is the biggest mistake that sales people do in a demo meeting?

Discover the biggest mistakes salespeople make in demo meetings and learn how to avoid them to improve your chances of closing deals.
What is the biggest mistake that sales people do in a demo meeting?
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We claim to understand what the customer wants and assume things based on our past experience.

Most salespeople enter a sales meeting, sit down, and immediately launch into a monologue about all the wonderful features of their company, product, or service.
Talking too much about ourself is one mistake too many salespeople fail to correct for years. This is one of the biggest mistakes in sales.

The most successful salespeople understand that prospects don’t care about them -- or even their product or service.

"Prospects only care about solving their greatest challenges."

We at MeetRecord help sales teams identify the common mistakes and not just take corrective action but also learn from the best sales calls and customer interactions.

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